Sunday, June 9, 2019

Electrocuting yourself to sleep?

I stumbled across a ridiculous product today. It claimed to put the user to sleep without the use of drugs. The way it claimed to have done this is by 'stimulating the central nervous system'. This is complete nonsense. The 'sleep mask' (see picture A) contained two electrode pads (one sends pulses the other receives) that pulse alternating eletrical charges through the users body. However, simple eletrical knowledge would tell you that instead of the electricity running through the user's central nervous system, it would simply travel through the skin of their forehead and complete the circuit by returning to the device. All this would do is leave the user with mild eletrical burns. Stimulating the user's nervous system would simply keep them awake with pain and odd sensations anyway. My advice for the day, if it has no/little evidence to back up it's claims, stay away from it. Have a pleasant day.

Picture A
You'll need drugs to dull the pain after using it overnight
Notice the path the electricity is supposed to take being completely infeasible.

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